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Improving tracking for High Pt B hadrons

This package was already merged into master ( - and now is ported to 21.0 (not possible to sweep due to the athena MT changes). Implemented changes to improve tracking for high pT long lived particles, in particular B hadrons, changes can be turned on by using two different flags, doCaloSeededAmbi and doCaloSeededRefit. By default these are set to false and the reconstruction is not affected. If the flags are turned on the changes are only applied in a selected Region Of Interest corresponding to high pt objects. doCaloSeededAmbi loosens the cuts in the InDetDenseEnvAmbiTrackSelectionTool doCaloSeededRefit recursively removes the innermost hits on tracks with a bad fit quality and refits them, if the fit quality improves significantly we keep the stripped down version of the track.

Adding @npetters and @mdanning.

Edited by Roland Jansky

Merge request reports
