Change the condition to use /SCT/HLT/DCS/ folders for Lorentz angle calculation in online jobs. (ATLASRECTS-4906)
Change the condition to use /SCT/HLT/DCS/ folders for Lorentz angle calculation in online jobs.
Currently, default temperature and HV values are used in online jobs.
With Athena master 2019-03-27T2141 (without !22159 (merged)) and the change,
athena --threads=1 -c isOnline=True --filesInput=/cvmfs/ TrigUpgradeTest/ 2>&1 | tee log
worked fine.
... ...
o INPUT ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/SCT/HLT/DCS/HV' )
o OUTPUT ( 'SCT_DCSFloatCondData' , 'ConditionStore+SCT_DCSHVCondData' )
o INPUT ( 'CondAttrListCollection' , 'ConditionStore+/SCT/HLT/DCS/MODTEMP' )
o OUTPUT ( 'SCT_DCSFloatCondData' , 'ConditionStore+SCT_DCSTemp0CondData' )
... ...
SCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg 1 0 INFO Input is ( 'SCT_DCSFloatCondData' , 'ConditionStore+SCT_SiliconTempCondData' ) with the range of {[t:1265158800] - [t:4294967294.854775807]}
SCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg 1 0 INFO Input is ( 'SCT_DCSFloatCondData' , 'ConditionStore+SCT_SiliconBiasVoltCondData' ) with the range of {[t:1265158800] - [t:4294967294.854775807]}
SCTSiLorentzAngleCondAlg 1 0 INFO recorded new CDO SCTSiLorentzAngleCondData with range {[t:1265158800] - [t:4294967294.854775807]} into Conditions Store
... ...
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 0: "successful run"
Edited by Susumu Oda