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Bugfix in TrkVertexBilloirTools tool

Fudong He requested to merge fuhe/athena:Bugfix_FastVertexFitter_for_21_2 into 21.2

The Trk::FastVertexFitter tool will crash sometimes at FastVertexFitter.cxx#L366 when we trying to implement it to fit our two-track vertices.

The log file and errors are: log_fastvertexfitter and log_errors.

This codes will crash when the fittedVertex is a null pointer and it tries to call fittedVertex->vxTrackAtVertex(). This merge request will fix this bug by return the fittedVertex without decorating when it is a null pointer.

This should also be fixed in all of the other releases (i.e. release 21.0 and master).

Edited by Fudong He

Merge request reports
