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PixelRadDamDigitization: Algorithm for interpolation of irraditaed E fields (already merged in 21.0)

Lennart Adam requested to merge ladam/athena:EfieldInterpolator21.9 into 21.9

Please be aware that this MR is similar to the one accepted for Branch 21.0 (!20214 (merged)). The commits were propagated with git rebase .

Here's the general description:

The radiation damage digitization code uses a series of maps of the E-field (and other quantities) inside the sensor to incorporate radiation damage effects. The E field maps maps are .dat (plain text) files and available for certain benchmark values of the radiation dose (fluence) and bias voltage applied to the sensors. As the fluence is a continuous variable it is not possible to precompute all E field maps of interest. The newly added ATHENA algorithm EfieldInterpolator creates E field maps for any fluence or bias voltage value of interest by interpolation of the precomputed maps (.dat files) available. The interpolation uses cubic splines, but other methods can be set as well e.g. linear interpolation. The consistency of the creation of maps was tested with a closure test.

The default behaviour of the Digitization code is preserved, i.e. if benchmark values are requested the precomputed maps will be used. In case reasonable values (within the range of the precomputed maps) for bias voltage and fluence for all four layers are set the interpolation will be used to create an irradiated E field. All other maps are produced based on the interpolated E fields.

The MR is also planned for rel22.

Test passed without warnings.

Tagging @bnachman and @mbomben

Merge request reports
