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Add L1TopoSimulation to L1Sim test

Stewart Martin-Haugh requested to merge smh/athena:L1Topo_TrigUpgradeTest into master

Adds L1TopoSimulation to

This highlights bits of L1 run-2 not yet migrated to DataHandles:

SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'LVL1::MuCTPIL1Topo' , 'StoreGateSvc+L1MuCTPItoL1TopoLocation' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'LVL1::EnergyTopoData' , 'StoreGateSvc+EnergyTopoData' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'DataVector<LVL1::JEMTobRoI>' , 'StoreGateSvc+JEMTobRoIs' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'DataVector<LVL1::CPCMXTopoData>' , 'StoreGateSvc+EmTauTopoTOBs' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'LVL1::CMXRoI' , 'StoreGateSvc+CMXRoIs' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'L1MUINT::MuCTPIToRoIBSLink' , 'StoreGateSvc+L1MuCTPItoRoIBLocation' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'xAOD::CPMTowerContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+CPMTowers' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'LVL1CTP::CTPSLink' , 'StoreGateSvc+CTPSLinkLocation' )
SGInputLoader                           0   0   WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'DataVector<LVL1::JetCMXTopoData>' , 'StoreGateSvc+JetTopoTOBs' )

or with some sort of other configuration problem. Since it doesn't actually crash it seems better to have this here, then these can be cleared up in new MRs.

Tagging @afaulkne, @stelzer, @orlando, @czodrows for information.



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