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Adapt to Acts v0.9.2

Paul Gessinger requested to merge pagessin/athena:adapt-to-acts-v0.9.2 into master

This MR introduces necessary changes to accommodate Acts v0.9.2.

Most notably it changes the way the Acts representation of the ATLAS tracking geometry handles alignment. Using the geometry context introduced by @asalzbur, the executing algorithm can now obtain a geometry context using an event context. This geometry context includes the unpacked alignment store from the conditions store, and passes it through the call chain, down to the detector elements. They can now respond to transform calls without having to talk to other components.

This depends on atlasexternals!481 (merged), and is WIP until that is merged and tagged, so I can update this MR with a new externals tag.

This MR updates the externals tag to 2.0.29 which introduces the following changes w.r.t 2.0.28:

  • Added the PyModules package to build python modules needed by the Athena project;
  • Updated KLFitter to version 1.3.2;
  • Various updates to CheckerGccPlugins;
  • Updated Acts to version 0.9.2;
  • Added find-modules for pandas and sqlalchemy in AtlasLCG.
Edited by Paul Gessinger

Merge request reports
