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Combined chains in TMMT

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:combinedChainsNEW into master

Some first steps towards parallel merging in TriggerMenuMT Further discussion/documentation to be added here: ATR-19751

Changes include:

  • adding ChainMerging file to handle the intra/inter-signature merging
  • adding self.mult to ChainSteps for various signatures following the changes in merge request !23702 (merged)
  • adding new combined chains to the LS2_v1 menu Asymmetric and symmetric intra signature chains are now running, as well as inter-signature chains which have the same number of steps. Combined chains with a different number of steps in each leg are not working yet, @fpastore is taking a look at those.

Also tagging @tbold and @fpastore.

Edited by Catrin Bernius

Merge request reports
