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Fix get_hash function of MuonIdHelper for non-continuos Identifiers and unchecked identifier in MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool

Nicolas Koehler requested to merge nkoehler/athena:muHelperHashes into 21.3


this MR fixes the get_hash function of the MuonIdHelper class for a non-continuos vector of Identifiers. The previous implementation assumed that there is no gap in the vector of Identifiers. With the help of this fixed function, the MR also adds a check for the physical validity of the MDT Identifiers to the MdtCalibDbCoolStrTool. With this change, muon reconstruction can be run with a MuonSpectrometer dictionnary which only contains the identifiers of the chambers which are actually part of the detector layout.

Adding @rosati, @wleight, @cchau for MuonSW

Also adding @goblirsc and @sroe for a final look

Edited by Nicolas Koehler

Merge request reports
