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KinkTrk+VH RPVLL filter updates

Hi, This merge request:

  • Tightens the filter requirements on the pixel tracklet + jet + MET filters to control rates. These changes are intended to be needed for the looser tracklet definitions being merged in here: !23246 (merged). The specific requirements added are tracklet |z0PV| < 5 mm and pT>20 GeV and three contributing pixel layers.
  • Include electron PID tools for algorithms selecting/vetoing electrons; the previous electron selection using passSelection were using cut-based electron definitions from r20.7 are thus outdated.
  • Updates to LHMedium electron PID for VH filters.

Tagging @jstupak , @hoide , @kpachal, @verducci, @aroepe

Cheers, Matthew

Edited by Matthew Gignac

Merge request reports
