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Add RoI seeded decoding to CSC BS deocding alg and unify CSC data preparation for trigger

Add RoI seeded decoding to CSC BS deocding alg and unify CSC data preparation between L2 and EF in athenaMT setup.

Changes made:

  • CscRawDataProvider has options needed to do decoding based on input RoIs (needed for use in trigger).
  • TrigL2MuonSA/CscDataPreparator: added option to turn off the actual decoding. Also cleaned the code slightly.
  • MuonSetup: Turn on RoI based decoding for CscRawDataProvider in RoI mode. Turn off decdoing in the L2 CscDataPreparator and run instead the offline decoding algorithms. Add CSC data to EF muon data verifier and no longer run offline decoding algorithms.

Merge request reports
