Re enable precision calo for electrons
This MR is to enable precisionCalo for electrons by default discussed in ATR-19704. This includes
- Uncomment precisionCalo related lines in
- A fix in name of output container of topoClusters in TrigT2CaloCommon/python/
- Fixed so to use the topoCluster instance in RoI (as in !23321 (merged))
Result of test_trigUpgr_slice_electron_build in afs:
Merge request reports
added Egamma Trigger TriggerMenu master labels
Oh I see !23484 (merged) got merged while I was preparing this one. I'll merge those changes in and retry this one
Hi @fernando,
I think you only need to un-comment the following lines because I changed to the right address of PrecisionCaloRec while merging,
Thanks, Debo.
added 73 commits
ca01b183...81b2f5dd - 71 commits from branch
- 4cc5a269 - merged with master
- e02b4bd9 - Updated reference and to cope with new location of PrecisionCaloSequenceSetup
ca01b183...81b2f5dd - 71 commits from branch
Hi all,
I just merged master and fixed location of PrecionCaloHypo and new reference for electron slice. @bernius : Oh, I see... How can I update that reference? I'll do WIP now so I avoid triggering all the CI untill I update runMenu reference
added review-pending-level-1 label
Hi @bernius, I ran and found difference in all other signatures (i.e. my counts were 0 while references were something). I guess this test should be executed after a full menu (or all signature-enagled) test? I then, didn't change anything else and removed WIP. please let me know otherwise
CI Result FAILUREAthena AthSimulation externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available at NICOS MR-23502-2019-05-17-20-33
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST 38622]added review-user-action-required label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
added 144 commits
e02b4bd9...6686088e - 138 commits from branch
- 8a572f02 - Adding PrecisionCalo to electron Chains
- b8623e1c - Added Electron precisionCalo
- 20e52d66 - added new electron reference
- ca5db34c - Updated reference and to cope with new location of PrecisionCaloSequenceSetup
- c4c4665a - Merge branch '22_ReEnablePrecisionCaloFunctions' of...
- 8f08c505 - Rebased to master
Toggle commit list-
e02b4bd9...6686088e - 138 commits from branch