SUSYTools: JET/MET recommendations
- IsPFlowCrackVetoCleaning flag to check the association of topoclusters in the crack region
- New JesCalibSeq configs for EMTopo (FullSim/AFII) and EMPFlow (FullSim/AFII)
- JVT WP is changed from "Medium" to "Default"
- Top/W/Z taggers for R21
- defaulting to SmoothedWZTaggers (3 variables) to be used with TCC jets
- defaulting to JSSWTopTaggerDNN (inclusive) to be used with LCTopo jets
- remove warning msg from inconsistency between tau-lepton OR and TauSelectionTool (!23333 (closed))
- SUSYToolsTester cleanup
- atlas messaging
- jetInputType check for PFlow jets
cc @oabouzei
Edited by Keisuke Yoshihara