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Sweeping !23714 from 21.0 to master. Fixes to RHadron simulation

Merged Atlas Nightlybuild requested to merge cherry-pick-7b0b7d9d3b-master into master
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+ 27
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@@ -156,12 +156,18 @@ def get_quarks( y ):
def is_baryon( x ):
if '009' in str(x): return 0 # gluino meson
elif '09' in str(x): return 1 # gluino baryon
elif '006' in str(x): return 1 # stop baryon
elif '005' in str(x): return 1 # sbottom baryon
# Otherwise it's a meson
return 0
# 1000993, gluinoball, is also not a baryon
b_n = 0
if '009' in str(x): b_n=0 # gluino meson
elif '09' in str(x): b_n=1 # gluino baryon
elif '0006' in str(x): b_n=0 # stop meson
elif '0005' in str(x): b_n=0 # sbottom meson
elif '006' in str(x): b_n=1 # stop baryon
elif '005' in str(x): b_n=1 # sbottom baryon
else: # Otherwise, what on earth was this??
raise RuntimeError('is_baryon ERROR Unknown PDG ID: '+str(x))
if int(x)<0: return -b_n
return b_n
def anti_name( x ):
@@ -390,26 +396,34 @@ def get_interaction_list(input_file, interaction_file='ProcessList.txt', mass_sp
if '3' in my_q or '4' in my_q or '5' in my_q:
if len(my_q)>2:
# Gluino R-baryons
s_number = -(my_q.count('3')+my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')) if pid>0 else my_q.count('3')+my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')
elif len(my_q)>1:
# Squark R-baryons or Gluino R-mesons
if my_q.count('3') + my_q.count('4') + my_q.count('5')>1: s_number=0
s_number = -(my_q.count('3')-my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')) if pid>0 else my_q.count('3')-my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')
elif len(my_q)>1 and '9' in str(pid):
# Gluino R-mesons
if my_q in ['33','44','55','35']: s_number=0 # 33, 44, 55, 35 - one is anti-quark, so they cancel
# By convention both 43 and 53 have charge +1, which means c-sbar or c-bbar
elif my_q in ['43','53']: s_number = 2 if pid>0 else -2
# Only one of bottom / charm / strange. Deal with neutral convention first
elif offset_options[abs(pid)][3]==0 and ('3' in my_q or '5' in my_q): s_number=1 if pid>0 else -1
elif offset_options[abs(pid)][3]==0 and '4' in my_q: s_number=1 if pid<0 else -1
# Now charged convention
elif '3' in my_q or '5' in my_q: s_number=offset_options[abs(pid)][3]
elif '4' in my_q: s_number=-offset_options[abs(pid)][3]
elif len(my_q)>1:
# Squark R-baryons
s_number = -(my_q.count('3')-my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')) if pid>0 else my_q.count('3')-my_q.count('4')+my_q.count('5')
# Squark R-mesons
s_number = my_q.count('3') + my_q.count('4') + my_q.count('5')
s_number = my_q.count('3') - my_q.count('4') + my_q.count('5')
s_number = s_number if pid>0 else -s_number
else: s_number=0
# Build the dictionary
pid_name = offset_options[pid][2].strip() if pid>0 else anti_name(offset_options[abs(pid)][2]).strip()
incoming_rhadrons[pid_name] = [ offset_options[abs(pid)][3] , is_baryon(pid) , s_number ]
charge = offset_options[abs(pid)][3] if pid>0 else -offset_options[abs(pid)][3]
incoming_rhadrons[pid_name] = [ charge , is_baryon(pid) , s_number ]
# Smaller list of outgoing rhadrons.
# No charm or bottom
if '4' in my_q or '5' in my_q: continue
outgoing_rhadrons[pid_name] = [ offset_options[abs(pid)][3] , is_baryon(pid) , s_number ]
outgoing_rhadrons[pid_name] = [ charge , is_baryon(pid) , s_number ]
# Add all our R-hadrons to the table
for proj in incoming_rhadrons: