Make full_menu test use the LS2_v1 menu (ATR-19845)
Main purpose of this MR: Change of full_menu test to run from TriggerMenuMT and subsequently also the slice_XXX (XXX=jet,muon,bjet...) (ATR-19845)
Changes made:
- Copied full_menu test to full_menu_cf test (for the build variant), including .py, .ref, .sh files
- Modified full_menu test to run from TriggerMenuMT, slight modifications of chains but constant counts for those chains that were enabled before in the same configuration
- Updated reference to tests, including slice tests
- Bphysics: for now no Bphysics chains enabled in LS2_v1, but slice_bphysics test is currently using the full_menu_cf (tag to @hrussel, @abarton, @jakoubek for information), needs to be changed when bphysics chains get added to TMMT
- Egamma: Electron and Photon tests now run the same configuration of EGAMMA chains (not separate anymore due to the way flags were set up historically); TriggerFlags might need to be reworked but this will happen at a later time. (tagging @fernando, @thrynova , @dbakshig , @bbatool for information)
- Jets: disabled boffperf chain in menu until B-jets are working again
- Modified and to set the TriggerFlags for the menu generation
- Fix of flake8 errors in and
Edited by Catrin Bernius