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WIP: Adding egammaRecContainer as EDM object to collect the electron candidate after precision step

We need to add egammaRecContainer as EDM object in Trigger/TrigSteer/TrigOutputHandling/src/HLTEDMCreator which will collect electron candidate after precisionTracking step (which in this WIP merge: !22816 (closed)). #include "egammaRecEvent/egammaRecContainer.h" in raising an error /afs/ fatal error: egammaRecEvent/egammaRecContainer.h: No such file or directory #include "egammaRecEvent/egammaRecContainer.h" during compile time. To produce this error cd athena git remote add debo git fetch debo containerforEgammaRec git checkout -b containerforEgammaRec FETCH_HEAD git atlas addpkg TrigOutputHandling compilation steps: cd ../build cmake ../athena/Projects/WorkDir make -j 8 source x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/ 2>&1 | tee log.txt

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