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Fix output of Egamma/PrecisionCaloSequenceSetup to be recordable

Hi @thrynova, @fernando, @dbakshig

Please can you review and sign off on / comment on this MR. I made these changes so that we can read out trigger objects from the PrecisionCalo sequence.

I removed precisionCaloClusters= recordable("HLT_CaloEMClusters") as this output name was not used, the call to jobproperties.egammaRecFlags.egammaTopoClusterCollection() is used instead to get the output name.

The call to recordable (which will soon cause an ERROR rather than a WARNING on problems) checks that the collection is registered in TriggerEDMRun3 and that its name starts with HLT_. I added the prefix to the call to egammaTopoClusterCollection and added the collection to the EDM definition.

With this in place, I am seeing the clusters being re-mapped out of their event views at the end of the event, and available in the ESD.

Thanks - Tim

(Note, there are two more warnings which need following up in addition to this one, these two are not covered by this MR: Py:TriggerEDMRun3Config WARNING The collection name HLT_TopoCaloClustersRoI is not declared to be stored by HLT, Py:TriggerEDMRun3Config WARNING The collection name HLT_TopoCaloClustersFS is not declared to be stored by HLT)

Edited by Tim Martin

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