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ATR-19691, ATR-17404 migrate BLS chains fully to TMMT

Heather Russell requested to merge hrussell/athena:ATR-17404_tut-to-tm into master

Closes ATR-19691

all tests (TUT full menu, bphysics) and ctests (TUT and TMMT) pass

  • create
  • create BphysicsChainConfiguration inherits from MuonChainConfiguration, so only bphysics-related bits need to be added, and we don't need to do string matching for "L2" like in run 2 to figure out where the bphys hypos fit in
  • modify MuonChainConfiguration in so that the sequences are split into [ [list of L2], [list of EF] ] rather than [ list of all ], for easier parsing by BLS chains. add the stepDictionary into a separate function so this can be accessed by assembleBphysChains
  • add BLS chains to
  • change bphysics slice test to run from, not
  • update test references: full_menu_build.ref, slice_bphysics.ref

Merge request reports