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Migration of L2 muon overlap removal to MT, ATR-16944

Moe Wakida requested to merge mwakida/athena:L2MuonOverlapRemoval_MT into master

I want to merge this change into master.

I prepared new classes for Data Handle migration of L2 Muon Overlap Remover like Hypo Algorithm, TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverMufastAlg.cxx, TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverMucombAlg.cxx, TrigL2MuonOverlapRemoverTool.cxx, and these header files (*.h). L2 Muon Overlap Remover is defined as well as HypoAlg and to operate after HypoAlg (as "Hypo = [trigMufastHypo, trigL2MuonOverlapRemover]") in Along with defining HypoAlg and L2MuonOverlapRemoverAlg in the list, several files were changed. In L2 MuonOverlapRemoverTool, overlap removal is performed in the same way as "TriggerHypothesis/TrigMuonHypo/TrigL2MuonOverlapRemover.cxx" except for DataHandle. Configuration which chain is used L2MuonOverlapRemover is defined in

I checked theses things by TriggerMenuMT_generateMenuMT_ctest (ctest -R):

  • L2MuonOverlapRemoverMufast and L2MuonOverlapRemoverMucomb are added after L2MuFastHypo and L2MuCBHypo in only multi-muon chain.
  • Muon information(ex. pt, eta, phi) is matching between L2MuFastHypo and L2MuonOverlapRemoverMufast, and between L2MuCBHypo and L2MuonOverlapRemoverMucomb.
  • L2MuonOverlapRemoverToolMonitoring is added into "build/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/CMakeFiles/unitTestRun/expert-monitoring.root".
  • Overlap removal is succeeded in L2MuonOverlapRemoverTool.cxx.

I work with helped @nakahama (Muon signature coordinator) and @shhayash (Muon expert who working AthenaMT migration of L2Muon).

tagging @bernius and @fpastore for info because I changed the components of TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/Menu. I changed,, and in TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/Menu. I didn't change the components of TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/Bphysics.

Edited by Moe Wakida

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