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FastCaloSim: Increase E ratio warning threshold in the gap region.

Merged Scott Snyder requested to merge ssnyder/athena:thresh.FastCaloSim-20190615 into master
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@@ -1472,7 +1472,14 @@ FastShowerCellBuilderTool::process_particle(CaloCellContainer* theCellContainer,
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if(p.E>=3 && p.E*Ein>2000) {
float ERatioThresh = 3;
if (std::abs(Epara->eta() - 1.37) < 0.01) {
// Increase threshold in the gap region. It's possible for a shower
// to fluctuate to have almost all its energy in TileGap3, which has
// a relatively small weight.
ERatioThresh = 4;
if(p.E>=ERatioThresh && p.E*Ein>2000) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("particle energy/truth="<<p.E);
ATH_MSG_WARNING(" - "<<particle_info_str.str());
ATH_MSG_WARNING(" parametrization : "<< Epara->GetTitle());