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Reimplement TrigMonTHitSvc without inheritance of THistSvc

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:trigmonthist_regshared into master

Remove the inheritance of Gaudi's THistSvc as very little code from the base class was actually re-used. And in order to implement the inheritance we had to maintain a copy of the THistSvc source files in this package. So any fixes in the Gaudi repository anyway had to be ported by hand to our version.

Other changes:

  • Implement regShared methods (fixes ATR-19882)
  • Move properties to header file
  • Do not use the IInfoRegister get() method as this is not implemented yet (ADHI-4715). We anyway have to maintain our own list of registered histograms.
  • Apply clang-format and general code cleanup

Merge request reports