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Conditions migration: PixelCabling, ReadoutSpeed, HitDiscCnfg (ATLASRECTS-4720)

Soshi Tsuno requested to merge stsuno/athena:atlasrects-4720 into master

This is last conditions migration from pixel:

  • /PIXEL/CablingMap
  • /PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed
  • /PIXEL/HitDiscCnfg


At the moment, the "/PIXEL/CablingMap" is not activated. They are read from input file defined in InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/PixelCabling/python/ .

This was necessary, because this pixel cabling map is required at "initilization()" step in InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetRegionSelector/src/SiRegionSelectorTable.cxx (line#81).

Since SiRegionSelectorTable require the pixel cabling, I also needed to create the conditions data at initilization step in InnerDetector/InDetConditions/PixelConditionsAlgorithms/src/PixelCablingCondAlg.cxx , and I remove the protection of checking IOV range:

   if (writeHandle.isValid()) {
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("CondHandle " << writeHandle.fullKey() << " is already valid.. In theory this should not be called, but may happen if multiple concurrent events are being processed out of order.");
     return StatusCode::SUCCESS; 

This is temporary changes until the conditions access in SiRegionSelectorTable is changed. Therefore, I put the WARNING message that should be changed.

Once SiRegionSelectorTable is fixed, the modification is easy. Thus, I request MR here.

Merge request reports
