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DCS_OFL FSMSTATUS/STATE is not defined in trigger. (ATR-19959)

Soshi Tsuno requested to merge stsuno/athena:atr-19959 into master

Trigger configuration will use InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample/share/ which originally only support offline reconstruction.

Corresponding configuration of trigger setting was defined in InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetTrigRecExample/python/ But it seems retired.

Since the is also used in trigger for future, this needs to support trigger as well.

The first place notified by this issue is in DCS_OFL FSMSTATUS and FSMSTATE. This statement was separated by the argument with

    if not athenaCommonFlags.isOnline():
        if not conddb.folderRequested("/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE"):
            conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE", className="CondAttrListCollection")
        if not conddb.folderRequested("/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS"):
            conddb.addFolder("DCS_OFL", "/PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS", className="CondAttrListCollection")
        if not hasattr(condSeq, "PixelDCSCondStateAlg"):
            from PixelConditionsAlgorithms.PixelConditionsAlgorithmsConf import PixelDCSCondStateAlg
            condSeq += PixelDCSCondStateAlg(name="PixelDCSCondStateAlg")

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