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TrigEgammaMonitoring migration to athenaMT (step 1)

In Run2 monitoring files have the following directory structure: /run_ABCXYZ/HLT/Egamma/Expert/<TriggerStreams>/<set_of_histgroups>/<subgroups>/<histograms>,

where <TriggerStreams> are names 'HLT_e5_lhloose', 'HLT_e28_lhtight_idperf' and so on,

<set_of_histgroups> are four directories with names 'AbsResolutions', 'Distributions', 'Efficiency', 'Resolutions',

<subgroups> are 'EFCalo', 'HLT', 'L1Calo' and so on,

<histograms> are histograms itself.

In this merge request:

  • Defined new python module TrigEgammaMonToolBuilderRun3 to do all configuration configuration This module creates an instance of new TrigEgammaMonitorAlgorithm for each trigger stream. The TrigEgammaMonitorAlgorithm itself is mosly placeholder now
  • In TrigEgammaMonitorAlgorithm monitoring group configured for each deepest subdirectory in the hierarchy
  • Histogram definitions transfered from TrigEgammaPlotTool of TrigEgammaAnalysisTools package almost line by line. each call to addDirectory() in old code translated to creation of monitoring group
  • Correct variables definition for TProfile, TH2F and TProfile2D is not supported in this MR

Related ticket ATR-19968

Edited by Dmitriy Maximov

Merge request reports