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Improve JetEtmiss content; add PF btagging, q/g tagging, remove LC jets

Christopher Young requested to merge cyoung/athena:21.2-PHYS-LCJets_PFbTag into 21.2

I have (hopefully) improve the jetEtmiss content of DAOD_PHYS. We were saving the smart LC jet and MET collections that are not used (the relevant parts for tau reco are stored by the tau smart slimming). I also added the quark/gluon tagger to both EM and PF jets, and then also the btagging output for PFlow jets.

P.S. for the start of Run III (ie. r22 repro. not first data-taking) I think we can assume we will only have PF jets in DAOD_PHYS for calculating space requirements. For these test samples, to enable more analyses to test the code I propose we retain both EM and PF jets for now.

Merge request reports
