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updating hole search and summary tool configurations in downstream reco to handle ITK

Following on from !24579 (merged), updating some other instances of InDetHoleSearch and TrackSummaryTool configurations so that they can run in the correct way for ITK geometries.

Tested with RunTier0Tests and seen to not impact current reconstruction. For RunUpgradeTests, difference in output are seen, but are in line with expectations:

INFO     ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO     Running r1 Frozen Tier0 Policy Test on ESD for 10 events
INFO     Reading the reference file from location /tmp/nstyles/clean_run_r1_6f5bab23-ed5b-42bb-b8f6-80ede4cb3196
ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_CombinedMuonTrackParticlesAux.hitPattern]: 2 leaves differ

ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_CombinedMuonTrackParticlesAux.numberOfContribPixelLayers]: 2 leaves differ

ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_CombinedStauTrackParticlesAux.hitPattern]: 2 leaves differ

ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_CombinedStauTrackParticlesAux.numberOfContribPixelLayers]: 2 leaves differ

ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_GSFTrackParticlesAux.hitPattern]: 17 leaves differ

ERROR    Py:diff-root         INFO  [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3_GSFTrackParticlesAux.numberOfContribPixelLayers]: 15 leaves differ

ERROR    Your tag breaks the frozen tier0 policy in test r1. See run_r1/diff-root-r1.ESD.log file for more information.

Domain experts such as @rnaranjo @jezequel @wleight @nkoehler @adbailey please comment if you have objections to the way this is done.

FYI @npetters @lmijovic @goblirsc @asalzbur

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