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Adding is_nexttoinnermost() to PixelID tell whether it is the next to innermost layer

Adding is_nexttoinnermost() counterpart for is_innermost() to tell whether it is the next to innermost layer. This is to make sure the hit counters etc are properly filled for ITk. Should have no impact on run-2 but will change results for ITk for counters of Trk::numberOfNextToInnermostX

Replace few occurrences where barrel_ec(id) == 0 && layer_disk(id) == 0/1 are used with the proper methods

Ignored cases

  • Monitoring/Validation/Ntuple dumping
  • Alignment (Doesn't work for ITk yet)
  • Conditions (Being changed for master and the approach for ITk isn't clear yet)
  • Digitization (Needs to work with conditions for ITk and what is needed isn't clear yet)
  • ISF_Fatras
  • Trigger cc: @nstyles, @goblirsc, @nova, @nreadiof, @lmijovic
Edited by Nora Emilia Pettersson

Merge request reports
