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Fix for FTK pT in master to Resolve ATR-20097

John Baines requested to merge baines/athena:master-ATR-20097-July2019 into master

A fix for FTK pT was missed in the psudomerge from 21.3 to master leading to pT a factor of 2 too large. This MR fixes that and also sweeps updates to FTK_PixelClusterOnTrackTool and from 21.3 to master. These updates set ErrorMode 2 for the clusterontrack tools. There is also an update to switch off the hole-search in the FTK instance of the Ambiguity processor as the hole-search does not do anything useful for FTK tracks. There is also a fix for a problem with missing perigee parameters on FTK tracks. I have tested that this fixes the pT problem by re-running one of the SampleA production jobs from ATR-19864

Merge request reports
