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Remove commented const_cast in MuonSelectionTool

Susumu Oda requested to merge oda/athena:master-MuonSelectorTools into master,MuGirl_Other

nightly/master/2019-07-13T2149:PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonSelectorTools/Root/MuonSelectionTool.cxx +441
342fbf68e1f6ee8ec327239b0f71d032f77f8768	2019-01-28_T1231	Scott Snyder	TAccept->AcceptData

   439				    "Please report this to the Muon CP group!");
   440		    }
   441		    // xAOD::Muon& mymu = const_cast<xAOD::Muon&>(mu);
   442		    // fixing the muon 4-vector to return the desired quantities
   443		    // mymu.setP4( metrack->pt(), cbtrack->eta(), cbtrack->phi() );

Merge request reports
