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fractional charged particle MDT dE/dx modification

Quanyin Li requested to merge quli/athena:FCP_Modification into 21.0

After solving the Jira issue "Problem with MDT digitization for Aballs(ATLASSIM-4225)", multi-charged particles(Qball, MCP) could have the correct energy deposition in MDT. But this still doesn't work for fractional-charged particles(FCP) since our particles are not included in particleGamma.h and chargeCalculator.h. The charge and velocity of MCPs are defined according to its pdgId while pdgId of FCPs are different. This the the rule of FCPs

NAME: fcpXXYY ==> pdgId:200XXYY0 ==> charge: XX/YY

According to MCPs, I added the judgement of FCPs in 4 related files.

Should fix ATLASSIM-4273.

Edited by John Derek Chapman

Merge request reports
