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TrigOnlineMonitor: Reimplement operational monitoring

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:trigservices_fixes into master

Implement basic operational monitoring (release, magnet status, COOL access, etc.). This was previously done as monitoring tool in TrigSteerMonitoring/TrigOpMoni. Most of the code was copied and modernized. Monitoring the active sub-detector was removed as well as monitoring the list of enabled ROBs. This could be added back if needed.

The monitoring is done as a non-clonable algorithm added to the topSequence. Histograms are filled on start(), first event or on LB changes as necessary and registered under "EXPERT/HLTFramework/TrigOpMonitor".

Relates to ATR-19667.

Edited by Frank Winklmeier

Merge request reports