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[ATR-20051] Move ChainCounter computation and add ChainHashName to menu JSON

Merged [ATR-20051] Move ChainCounter computation and add ChainHashName to menu JSON
Merged Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:addToMenuJSON into master
# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def string2hash(string):
"""Hashes a string using the HLT's HLTUtils::string2hash hashing function. Python implimentation. """
hash = 0xd2d84a61L
mask = 0xffffffffL
for character in reversed(string):
hash ^= (( (((hash >> 5) & mask) + ord(character)) & mask) + ((hash << 7) & mask)) & mask
for character in string:
hash ^= (( (((hash >> 5) & mask) + ord(character)) & mask) + ((hash << 7) & mask)) & mask
return hash