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InDetPerformanceRTT: fix switch configuration for ART tests

Liza Mijovic requested to merge lmijovic/athena:master-LGfix into master

Porting changes of !26064 (commits) to two additional joboption files used in ART tests: (ttbar events) and (minbias events).

This corrects switch configuration for running with calo-seeded bremfit. Fixes the follow-up by @lgagnon in ATLIDTRKCP-162.

prior to this fix, the jobs run-time crash when InDetCaloClusterROISelector attempts to retrieve container: /afs/*crash_repro.out

after this fix the InDetCaloClusterROISelector container retrieval (and the full job) finishes with status code 0:/afs/*fixed.out

When this is merged, we will likely get output root from InDetPerformanceRTT ART in master,centos7 also from ttbar and minbias (on top of single particles, fixed in MR 26064)

FYI @sroe @goetz @jmoss

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