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Migrate the MuonAlignmentDbSvc to the MuonAlignmentCondAlg as is required by the multi-thread Athena version.

George Stavropoulos requested to merge stavrop/athena:master-my-topic into master

Migrate the MuonAlignmentDbSvc to the MuonAlignmentDbAlg as is required by the multi-thread Athena version. MuonAlignmentDbSvc, IMuonAlignmentDbTool and MuonAlignmentDbTool are replaced by the newly built MuonAlignmentDbAlg

The code was built and run with NO problems against /cvmfs/

The new code was tested against the "old" MuonAlignmentDbSvc in the following ways

  1. By comparing the alignment parameters
  2. By comparing the tube(MDT) and strip(RPC,TGC,CSC) positions.
  3. By comparing the reconstructed muons when running --AMI q431 The results in all 3 cases above were identical (MuonAlignmentDbSvc vs MuonAlignmentDbAlg)

All the affected python scripts were modified. Work is in progress so that to perform more tests (e.g. EventOverlay, MuonGeoModelTest, Simulation, not only reconstruction) and verify that things work fine in all cases.

Edited by George Stavropoulos

Merge request reports
