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Support for re-trained b-tagging jet shallow-copy containers in AT

This add support for the new re-trained b-tagging jet shallow-copy containers for jets in AnalysisTop. Users will keep specifying the full jet container name, e.g. AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_BTagging201903. AnalysisTop will internally parse the collection name to determine whether we are using this shallow copy and will provide the CP tools with the container name or appropriate jet author as necessary.

The changes introduced here should be backwards-compatible, i.e. for old derivation caches, one can use the original jet containers where the shallow-copy containers are unavailable.

The dAOD files for CI jobs in cvmfs were updated with derivation cache, to be able to test these new features. In addition, the respective derivation cache with the updated b-tagging dropped support for AntiKt2PV0TrackJet b-tagging, so further adjustments to default track-jet collection for CI tests is done.

Edited by Oliver Majersky

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