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Rearranging minbias sequence configuration.

Jon Burr requested to merge jburr/athena:ATR-20358 into 21.3

Changing the configuration so that the MET slice object receives no input TE (as it does not expect one).

Closes ATR-20358

I'm not 100% sure that the final arrangement of trigger elements that I have now is OK so I would appreciate someone else taking a look over it.

In the XML config file HLTconfig_Physics_pp_v7_21.3.16.xml the MET TE is now made as

<SEQUENCE algorithm="HLT::MET::CellFex/EFMissingET_Fex_2sidednoiseSupp HLT::MET::TEHypo/EFMetHypo_PT" input="" output="EF_sumet0_sp2_hmtperf"/>

And then appears in the chains as

    <CHAIN EBstep="-1" chain_counter="241" chain_name="HLT_mb_sp1800_hmtperf" level="HLT" lower_chain_name="L1_RD3_FILLED" pass_through="0" prescale="1" rerun_prescale="-1">
        <STREAMTAG obeyLB="yes" prescale="1" stream="MinBias" type="physics"/>
        <STREAMTAG obeyLB="yes" prescale="1" stream="express" type="express"/>
        <GROUP name="BW:MinBias"/>
        <GROUP name="RATE:MinBias"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="1">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="L2_idperf"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="2">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="L2_iddataprep_sp"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="3">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="L2_sp1800_hmt"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="4">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="L2_pusup0_sp1800_hmtperf"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="5">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="EF_sumet0_sp2_hmtperf"/>
        <SIGNATURE logic="1" signature_counter="6">
          <TRIGGERELEMENT te_name="EF_trk0_sp1800_hmtperf"/>

(for example). It no longer appears as an input to any other later trigger element. I don't know if this is a problem?

Merge request reports
