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Data scouting for cost monitoring

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:costmon-datascouting into master

Implement data scouting result building and streaming for the cost monitoring HLT chain (ATR-20345, ATR-19360). It is done in a way with minimal modifications in TriggerEDM and TriggerMenuMT. The main change is the more involved result configuration which is now in job options and will be moved to TriggerJobOpts/TriggerConfig in a later MR (ATR-20273).

Following changes are included:

  • Fix PEBInfoWriterAlg: don't look for "view" link from input decision, add "roi" link to output decision
  • Define "CostMonDS" event building identifier in TriggerMenuMT and apply it in the costmonitor chain
  • Allow data scouting identifiers to be valid targets in TriggerEDMRun3 list
  • Fix testEDMRun3 to use TriggerEDMRun3.AllowedOutputFormats instead of hard-coded list
  • Change TrigCostContainer EDM target from 'BS' to 'CostMonDS'
  • Implement more correct BS result configuration in, which now takes care of data scouting results as well.
  • Fix a debug message in
  • Fix getter functions in EventBuildingInfo
  • Replace EventBuildingInfo.AllowedEventBuildingIdentifiers with EventBuildingInfo.getAllEventBuildingIdentifiers()

Running athenaHLT with job options and output writing enabled, I get a BS file which looks correct to me. Checked with --stag --hltres --sizeSummary

==================== Event:  1, RunNumber: 327265, LB:  100, Global_ID:  186525031, LVL1_ID: 4060342676, BC_ID:  339, TT: x81 ====================
Stream Tags: ['physics_Main', 'calibration_BeamSpot', 'calibration_CostMonitoring']
Found 2 HLT ROBs
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=0 (opt=0), Size: 282704 bytes
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=1 (opt=0), Size: 5396 bytes
==================== Event:  2, RunNumber: 327265, LB:  100, Global_ID:  186524665, LVL1_ID: 4060342310, BC_ID: 3284, TT: x81 ====================
Stream Tags: ['physics_Main', 'calibration_BeamSpot', 'calibration_CostMonitoring']
Found 2 HLT ROBs
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=0 (opt=0), Size: 284172 bytes
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=1 (opt=0), Size: 8636 bytes


==================== Event:  6, RunNumber: 327265, LB:  100, Global_ID:  186515186, LVL1_ID: 4060332831, BC_ID:  613, TT: x84 ====================
Stream Tags: ['physics_Main', 'calibration_BeamSpot', 'calibration_CostMonitoring', 'express_express', 'calibration_LArCells']
Found 2 HLT ROBs
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=0 (opt=0), Size: 343612 bytes
-- ROBFragment SourceID: TDAQ_HLT, module=1 (opt=0), Size: 14008 bytes


-- TDAQ_HLT module 1 total size 528708 bytes, 10574.160 bytes/event
---- xAOD::TrigCompositeAuxContainer#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.       178128 B     3562.560 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned long>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.start        67920 B     1358.400 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned long>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.stop         67920 B     1358.400 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned int>         36760 B      735.200 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned int>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.thread        36760 B      735.200 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned int>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.alg           36560 B      731.200 B/ev
---- std::vector<unsigned int>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.slot          36560 B      731.200 B/ev
---- std::vector<int>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.roi                    35160 B      703.200 B/ev
---- std::vector<short>#HLT_TrigCostContainerAux.view                 19940 B      398.800 B/ev
---- xAOD::TrigCompositeContainer#HLT_TrigCostContainer                8800 B      176.000 B/ev

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