WIP: Exclusive jets request -- Fix ExclusiveJets algo / ATR-17320
ExclusiveJet algorithm has been reviewed according to following jira issue: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-17320
New eta cut selection has been added into algorithm as requested.
Previously eta values was defined in parType_t function which is defined as unsigned int. This was cause a bug where the eta values are negative. This issue is debugged and algorithm work fine now.
Cheers, Anil
Merge request reports
639 639 protectedInclude ("AtlfastAlgs/Atlfast_RecExCommon_Fragment.py") 640 640 AODFix_postAtlfast() 641 641 642 # functionality : FTK reconstruction 643 if DetFlags.detdescr.FTK_on() : 644 protectedInclude( "FTK_RecExample/FTKRec_jobOptions.py") 642 # functionality : FTK truth-based FastSim 643 if DetFlags.detdescr.FTK_on(): Hi @jkuechle It should not be needed in the standard reconstruction only when dealing with MC truth, right? shouldn't you test also rec.doTruth or another relevant flag? cheers Jiri
Hi @jmasik, inside the FastSimTruth job options there's a check for
if FTKFlags.doTruthSmearing
at the top. This has to be specificially enabled by the user to do anything, so even without any additional check here this should work. But maybe its cleaner to add the rec.doTruth check here, what do you think? Cheers JanHi @jkuechle, it may be safer to protect the inclusion from
cheers JiriI've added the check in c25466d9.