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Updating TriggerTransform to be able to use with athenaHLT in master

Mark Stockton requested to merge mark/athena:master-trf-rewrite into master


  • Changing to no longer create options file, but rather pass options on CL

  • Add merging of HLT expert-monitoring histograms (todo for debug stream, but not needed yet for trigger reprocessings)

  • Changing to the latest athenaHLT arguments in master and removing those no longer needed, see twiki Change applies to translate code and also the transform scripts

  • Add log file checking to find failed child jobs and set mother return code to this result

  • Bring changes across to so can be used by default (leaving for testing ATR-19711)

ATR-11918 - Added message to check execution status before checking if files are produced

Edited by Mark Stockton

Merge request reports