Implemention of a new jobOption to use Run 3 L1MU configuration (ATR-19345)
We have introduced a new jobOption to switch to Run 3 L1 muon configuration in RPC and TGC trigger packages, and also introduced new interface classes between RPC/TGC and MuCTPi in the interface package. This jobOption is needed for developing the Run 3 L1 muon simulation while keeping the L1 muon simulation working in pararell. The default setting still uses the Run 2 configuration to avoid effects on the downstream, only the L1 muon experts will enable this switch during their developments. Affected packages are TrigT1RPCsteering, TrigT1TGC, and TrigT1Interface. The compilation is fine, no errors or warnings. The test script is also fine. We also tested with 50 events Z->mumu events locally, we saw no changes in the trigger counts. Tagging co-authors, @hhibi and @armbrust