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PHYSLITE: Adding MET and moving to PFlow jets

Zach Marshall requested to merge zmarshal/athena:21.2_PHYSLITE_METandPFlow into 21.2

This does the two simple things named above. PFlow is the recommended small-R jet collection moving forward, so we should use it for PHYSLITE. I'm removing some of the other calls for EMTopo, since we should really focus on PFlow jets from here (if they're all that's being written). Since that move is happening, updating the b-tagging collection to point to the recommended one.

I don't see why yet, but this is not yet creating a b-tagging link on the jet collection as was there when we ran on Akt4EMTopo jets. Any ideas there would be very welcome! @bdong and @sanmay seem to be the FTAG derivation team, so could I impose on you to check if I'm doing something stupid here?

Adding MET for now by simply including the smart slimming list version of PFlow MET. Something more advanced might come along later, but for now this 2kB/event should be what's strictly required.

@cdelitzs and @sschramm , it'd be great if you could take a quick look at this and make sure you think it's sensible from your end, and that you agree with the logic here. I understand that you're checking the content of DAOD_PHYS at the moment, so we can also port changes over here if need be.

FYI: @jcatmore , @elmsheus , @tursom

Merge request reports