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Fixing IDPVM resolution asymmetries, fake double counting, z0sin error

Zachary Michael Schillaci requested to merge zschilla/athena:FixIDPVMBugs into 21.9

Incorrect mapping in eta bins giving asymmetric resolutions, fixed by forcing consistent eta binning between TH2s and TH1s used for resolutions (src/InDetPerfPlot_resITk.cxx). Fake double counting within track and truth loops, fixed by filling once within track loop if truth associated (src/InDetPhysValMonitoringTool.cxx). Proper treatment of z0sin error with covariances (src/InDetPerfPlot_resITk.cxx).

tagging @nstyles @npetters @sroe @goblirsc @goetz @ncalace @tstreble

Edited by Zachary Michael Schillaci

Merge request reports