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EXOT8 cleanup using new smart slimming

Jason Robert Veatch requested to merge jveatch/athena:21.2-EXOT8 into 21.2

This MR fixes the crash caused by the new smart slimming lists added in !27886 (merged) by removing AntiKt10LCTopoJets from AllVariables. Additionally, it removes the unnecessary TruthEvents collection, cleans up jet building, and exchanges the placeholder AntiKt10LCTopoCSSKSoftDropBeta100Zcut10Jets with AntiKt10UFOCSSKSoftDropBeta100Zcut10Jets and AntiKt10UFOCSSKJets, which are still meant as a placeholder but have smart slimming lists available. Finally, AppendToDictionary is called for several more jet collections in to help keep derivation definitions cleaner.

Preliminary size tests show a 5-10% decrease in MC size and a smaller decrease is expected for data.

Tagging @cdelitzs, @mswiatlo, @kkrizka

Merge request reports