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Full GSC trigger jet calibration in AthenaMT

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TrigJet-GSC into master

This implements track GSC calibration for HLT jets using the Fast-Track-Finding to provide the track moments. The syntax for GSC chains is now b-jet independent, so where a previous chain would have been written e.g. HLT_j225_gsc420_boffperf_split_L1J100 this may now omit the b-tag segments, and only has a single threshold due to no preselection being applied before track-finding (yet): HLT_j420_ftf_subjesgscIS_L1J100 where "ftf" triggers the track reconstruction and "subjesgscIS" implies the full calibration chain of:

  • sub --> Jet area x rho subtraction
  • jes --> MCJES + Calo GSC
  • gsc --> Track GSC
  • IS --> In situ correction

B-jet chains, which in 2018 always operated with the full GSC calibration, have all been migrated to the new syntax.

Eventually we would hope to have both ftf and subjesgscIS be defaults, such that the chain name simplifies to just HLT_j420_L1J100.

Requires !27563 (merged), whose commits this already includes.

FYI @jbossios @cvarni

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
