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ATR-20538: Removing WARNING messages from SGInputLoader concerning b-jet trigger algorithms

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:UnmetDependencies into master

Description: Some WARNING messages concerning xAOD::BTaggingContainer and TrigRoiDescriptorCollection objects were observed from the SGInputLoader. This tickets removes them.

For documentation purposes I report here the origins of these warnings:

  • xAOD::BTaggingContainer: the BtagHypoAlg required BTagging object, which was not created since b-tagging is not yet implemented. The BTagFex has been modified in order to create a dummy BTaggingContainer
  • TrigRoiDescriptorCollection: this is created by the EtHypoAlg in the so called step2. It has been modified in order to retrieve the RoIs created during the previous step. However, the b-jet code structure will be severely changed with !27825 (merged) and the offending hypo alg will not be used anymore.

This has been tested with:

Jira: ATR-20538

Notes: bug-fix

Merge request reports