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Bug fix for incorrect BCID from L1MUEndcap to MuCTPI in MC (ATR-20569)

Junpei Maeda requested to merge junpei/athena:masterForATR-20569 into master

The bug only in MC causes L1MuonEndcap (TrigT1TGC package) was always sending current bunch ID (0 for MC) to MuCTPI, even when detector hits and the candidate decision is calculated for the different bunches. Since Run-2 upgrade, L1MU simulation takes into account the timing and bunch crossing identification for L1Topo LateMuon trigger. Although TGC digitization and TrigT1TGC calculates properly, but sending always fixed number to MUCTPI (0). The bug caused zero count of L1_LATE-MU10_XX in the endcap region (i.e. the current counts is coming from barrel only.)

The compilation, the test script and private MC tests are fine.

Since other branches, such as 21.X, have now different structure in the affected source file, I will do MRs for 21.x independently.

Merge request reports
