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Reorganisation of TrigMuonRoITool

Savanna Shaw requested to merge sshaw/athena:trimuonroitool into master

Attempting some reorganistaion/updating of the TrigMuonRoITool:


  • Remove EventInfo object (as per ATR-20579)
  • Since the EventInfo object was being used to check if the tool was all ready called, changed the tool to return the vectors of in time and out of time RoIs instead of the iterators for the start and end of each vector. This way, we shouldn't need to call the tool multiple times from one algorithm.
  • Made the access to the MuCTPi RDO to go through data handle
  • Some other moinor updates to use the ATH_MSG macros


  • Changed recording of MuCTPi RDO to go through data handles

Updates to TrigmuRoIMT and other legacy algorithms using the TrigMuonRoITool (TrigmuRoI, DetectorTimingAlgo, L1CorrelationAlgo) to retrieve the vectors of RoIs from the tool instead of the iterators, and then loop over the vectors.

Edited by Savanna Shaw

Merge request reports