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Upgrade all existing algorithms to the new coding style from 21.3

Jon Burr requested to merge atlas-trigger/MET/code/athena:new_style into master

Already begun somewhat in !28008 (merged), this merge request brings all the algorithms in master into the coding style introduced for the 21.3 branch in !26533 (merged)

It also includes the following physics-related changes (that therefore change reference files)

  • Reintroducing noise cuts in the cell algorithm (I've checked that with these disabled the new code gives the same values as the old code)
  • Fixing the pufit direction bug noted in !26533 (merged)

There are also changes to component names as listed in !26533 (merged)

I have also renamed the tcPufit container to tcpufit to keep in line with the convention used everywhere else: that the 'reco' part of the chain name (which is all in lower case) is also the string used in the output container names.

There are also some pretty hefty changes to the configuration, the idea here is to make it as easily extensible (adding new algorithms, configurations) as possible while still remaining robust. The way that this configuration is intended to work is summarised in TrigEFMissingET/doc/

Edited by Jon Burr

Merge request reports