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Remove TrigInterfaces/Incidents.h

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:remove-hlt-incidents into master

Removing obsolete trigger-specific incident definitions. There were only three clients:

  1. L2muCalibTest - I don't think this code is maintained any more, but it was easy to move it to equivalent incident defined in AthenaInterprocess
  2. MuFastSteering - actually referred to the incident by hard-coded string so would still work, but I changed it to use AthenaInterprocess::UpdateAfterFork incident explicitly. Also removed retrieving worker ID from JOSvc, because it can be read from the incident object now.
  3. TrigSteer - it used "EventTimeout" incident to implement a soft timeout, which I simply removed. This is legacy trigger code, and this particular feature hasn't been in use since Run 1 (see discussion in this MR below). This code will probably go away completely at some point, so removing this minor and unused functionality shouldn't be a problem.

I also updated the class description in AthenaInterprocess to not refer to the deleted class any more.

cc @fwinkl

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
