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Use UpdateAfterFork incident in HLT

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:hlt-postfork-incident into master

Added firing the AthenaInterprocess::UpdateAfterFork incident in HltEventLoopMgr::hltUpdateAfterFork and added two listeners, both for monitoring. This replaces the current hacks using mutable/static variables to run some code on first call to execute() with a nicer solution, as suggested by @fwinkl. The two use cases are:

  1. Starting a timer for rate monitoring histogram publishing in TrigSignatureMoniMT (ATR-20084)
  2. Filling some histograms in TrigOpMonitor which have to be filled only once, but after prepareForRun (ATR-19667)

cc @tbold, @aporeba, @tsulaia

Merge request reports