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Fixing more warnings in truth derivations

Zach Marshall requested to merge zmarshal/athena:21.2_TruthWarnings into 21.2

Two more warnings here. The first is to do with using out-dated event densitity algorithms (fixed by moving to the new service). Second is related to conditions reading, because some conditions files are added by default to the conditions DB service. For the time being, simply removing those files from the catelog in the case that we don't have a conditions tag set as a part of the job. That means no autoconfiguration off of an AOD, and no explicit setting in the transform. Should only be the case for truth derivation jobs, in which case we are safe, as we don't need any conditions information anyway.

Thanks to @gemmeren and @tsulaia for the help.

The only remaining warnings in truth derivation creation jobs are an ancient one from Gaudi that Charles Leggett has recently downgraded in master, and one to do with the AMITag, which @tsulaia promised to check into in the next little bit.

Merge request reports